How Much Do Dota 2 Players Make?

The popularity of Dota 2 as an eSports title is undeniable, with an average player count of about three-quarters of a million players. The high prize pools for Dota 2 tournaments have also led to significant revenue being generated by the eSports scene. In this article, we’ll explore how much money professional Dota 2 players make, ranging from the average salary to the maximum amount paid to a pro player.

Key Takeaways

  • Top-level Dota 2 players can expect to earn anywhere from 10,000 to 15,000 USD per month on average.
  • Some of the highest-paid players have been reported to earn around 30,000 to 40,000 USD per month as a monthly salary.
  • Popular teams like Evil Geniuses have paid up to 75,000 USD to acquire a single player.
  • These high salaries are only reserved for a small portion of professional players, with beginner players starting at around 2,000 to 5,000 USD per month.
  • Becoming a professional Dota 2 player requires a lot of hard work and dedication.

So How Much Do Dota 2 Players Make?

With an average player count of about three-quarters of a million players, it is safe to conclude that Dota 2 is one of the most popular eSports titles right now. With prize pools for Dota 2 tournaments reaching over thirty million dollars, we can also conclude that there is tons of revenue being generated by the Dota 2 eSports scene.

One can only wonder how much money Dota 2 players make. On average, the top-level players can expect to earn anywhere from 10,000 to 15,000 USD per month. That’s a lot of money, and that’s not even the most amount of cash paid to a pro player.

When it comes to the maximum salary for a pro player, some of the top-level players have been reported of being paid around 30,000 to 40,000 per month. This is just the monthly salary for high-level pro players. Some players get paid even more for joining a particular team. The popular North American team, Evil geniuses, paid 75,000 USD to acquire RAMZES666 who is a Russian Dota 2 player.

With that being said, you should not get your hopes up and start running towards becoming a professional player. Only a small portion of players are paid this much money. As a beginner pro player, you can expect to be paid anywhere from 2,000 to 5,000 USD per month. That is still a lot but getting at that level also requires tons of effort.


In conclusion, Dota 2 has become one of the most lucrative eSports titles for professional players, with some of the top-level players earning significant amounts of money every month. However, it’s important to note that becoming a professional player requires a lot of hard work and dedication, and only a small percentage of players are paid such high salaries. Nonetheless, the growth of the Dota 2 eSports scene continues to offer new opportunities for players to pursue their dreams of becoming professional gamers and potentially earning a comfortable living from it.


How much can top-level Dota 2 players expect to earn on average?

Top-level Dota 2 players can expect to earn anywhere from 10,000 to 15,000 USD per month on average.

What is the maximum salary for a pro-Dota 2 player?

Some of the highest-paid pro players have been reported to earn around 30,000 to 40,000 USD per month as a monthly salary.

How much did Evil Geniuses pay to acquire RAMZES666?

The popular North American team, Evil Geniuses, paid 75,000 USD to acquire RAMZES666, a Russian Dota 2 player.

Can all professional Dota 2 players expect to earn high salaries?

No, only a few professional players are paid such high salaries. Beginner players can expect to earn around 2,000 to 5,000 USD per month.

What does it take to become a professional Dota 2 player?

Becoming a professional Dota 2 player requires hard work, dedication, and consistent practice. It’s a challenging path to success, and only a select few players make it to the top earning tier.

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