Are you struggling to find some good teammates in Dota 2? We know how you feel. Playing solo queue in Dota 2 is risky. You never know what kind of teammates you’ll get. If you want to learn how to find some good teammates in Dota 2, you are at the right place.
To get good teammates in Dota 2, you can start by improving your player behavior score and then solo queueing. Or, you can look for teammates on Facebook groups. For an in-depth explanation, here is our complete guide on how to get good teammates in Dota 2.
Key Takeaways
- Good teammates are essential to winning matches and improving your overall Dota 2 experience. It’s important to have teammates who can synchronize their abilities effectively and communicate well with each other.
- You can improve your chances of getting good teammates in Dota 2 by improving your player behavior score. This can be done by playing well and avoiding toxic behavior, which can result in lower scores and worse teammates.
- Looking for teammates in Dota 2 Facebook groups can also be a good way to find like-minded players who are interested in working together to win matches. By posting in these groups and connecting with other players, you can build a team of reliable and skilled players who can help you achieve your goals in the game.
Why Are Good Teammates Important In Dota 2?
Let’s discuss why it is even necessary for good teammates. Firstly, Dota 2 is a team-based game. There are a ton of heroes in Dota 2 that your team and the enemy team can pick. You will only be able to use all the abilities of a hero to their full potential if you manage to synchronize those abilities with the abilities of your teammates’ heroes.
When your teammates pick heroes according to the enemy team and based on how effectively they will be able to use their abilities in synchronization with their teammates, winning a match becomes way easier.
You also want teammates to play seriously and give callouts when necessary. Your teammates must also respond to your callouts. If you are about to get killed by an enemy hero, your teammates should be there to help you.
On top of that, getting bad teammates can completely ruin the overall experience of a Dota 2 match. Some players are very toxic and keep on making noises in the mic. They also don’t play properly and try to sabotage the game so the enemy team can win. All of this is only avoidable if you manage to get some good teammates.
Player Behaviour Score
The first way to get good teammates in Dota 2 is to improve your player behavior score. Each player is assigned a player behavior score, which determines how good they are. When you start being toxic in a match, your teammates report you, which lowers your player behavior score. Your player behavior score also gets lowered if you abandon a Dota 2 match.
Dota 2 pairs players with roughly the same player behavior score, so if your behavior score is low, you will get bad teammates. On the other hand, if you have a high player behavior score, you will get good teammates.
You should aim for a player behavior score of at least 9,000 or above. You can improve your score by playing as a good player, so more people commend you, which adds 100 points to your score.
You can check your player behavior core by opening the developer console while in the menu, typing developer 1 (and pressing enter), and typing dota_game_account_debug (and pressing enter). Doing this will show you a list of information about your current Dota 2 account, which also includes your player behavior score.
Facebook Groups
Another way to find some good teammates to play with is by checking out dedicated Dota 2 Facebook groups. All you have to do is find a Facebook group for Dota 2-related discussions, preferably one that is specifically for your country, and then create a post saying that you are looking for players to play with. Other players that are also looking for good players will reach out to you, and then you can start playing together.
Getting good teammates in a Dota 2 match is essential to improve your overall Dota 2 gaming experience. Bad players can ruin the game for you. The best way to get good teammates is by improving your player behavior score or by looking for teammates in CSGO Facebook groups. Try playing with some new players and stick with the ones who play with you as a team.
Why are good teammates important in Dota 2?
Good teammates are important in Dota 2 because it is a team-based game, and coordination and synchronization between teammates are crucial to winning matches.
How can I improve my player behavior score in Dota 2?
You can improve your player behavior score in Dota 2 by playing well and avoiding toxic behavior, resulting in lower scores and worse teammates.
How can I check my player behavior score in Dota 2?
You can check your player behavior score in Dota 2 by opening the developer console while in the menu, typing developer 1 (and pressing enter), and typing dota_game_account_debug (and pressing enter). Doing this will show you information about your current Dota 2 account, including your player behavior score.
How can I find good teammates in Dota 2?
You can find good teammates in Dota 2 by improving your player behavior score and then solo queueing. Alternatively, you can look for teammates on Facebook groups dedicated to Dota 2.
What should I do if I encounter toxic teammates in Dota 2?
If you encounter toxic teammates in Dota 2, you can report them to help improve the community and avoid them in the future. Additionally, you can find new teammates by improving your player behavior score and connecting with like-minded players in Dota 2 Facebook groups.