Team Fortress 2 Quicksells Guide

Team Fortress 2 trading has many unique strategies and terms that don’t apply to other transactions. For example, some unique terms used in the TF2 community include scrap, ref, and Unusuals.

One such term/strategy used in the TF2 trading community is quicksells. If you want to learn more about what they are and how to use them as a trader, you are in the right place. Here is our complete Team Fortress 2 quicksells guide.

Key Takeaways

  • Quicksells in Team Fortress 2 are discounted trades or item transactions that are completed faster than usual, allowing traders to acquire valuable items at a lower price.
  • Traders can benefit from quicksells by purchasing items at a discount and later selling them for their market value, potentially making a profit.
  • Effective strategies for finding quicksells include creating trade offers specifically stating that you are looking for quicksells, exploring third-party marketplaces, inquiring on TF2 game servers (following server rules), and joining TF2 trading communities on platforms like Facebook.
  • It’s important to use reputable platforms for trading and to avoid rushing into any trades to ensure a positive trading experience.
  • While quicksells offer opportunities for traders, it’s crucial to exercise caution and make informed decisions to maximize profits and minimize risks.

What Are Quicksells In Team Fortress 2?

Imagine that you need urgent cash to purchase a laptop for your school work, but you don’t have any money right now. You have a GPU worth $300 on the used market from your old gaming PC. Let’s say a laptop would cost around $250.

One option would be to sell your GPU at the market price. However, that would take a long time, and you need the laptop now. Would you mind selling your GPU for a $50 discount for instant cash? Well, that is quick selling in a nutshell.

In short, quicksells in Team Fortress 2 are discounted trades or in-game item transactions that get completed much faster than they would have if they got valued at market price. The reason for quicksells doesn’t always have to be like the one mentioned above. However, they usually involve one party trying to get rid of their items or get other items, like keys, as fast as possible.

How Can I Benefit From Quicksells?

Let’s say a person wants to cash out their Team Fortress 2 item worth several keys. Also, they are willing to give a discount worth 4 to 5 keys for an instant transaction. This trade offer is what an average quicksell looks like. Quicksells commonly offer discounts ranging from 30% to 50% off the standard market price.

You can benefit by purchasing the item with the offered price cut and then selling it for its market price. Since you are a trader, you won’t mind holding on to that item, waiting for it to sell at its original market price.

Once you get the item, you have to look for potential traders willing to trade you that item for the number of keys it’s actually worth. Even if you give a discount of one or two keys off the market value, you still get around three to four keys worth of profit.

Strategies For Efficient Quicksells

Here are some effective strategies to find quicksells and become more efficient.

  • Creating Trade Offers For Quicksells: Create trade offers and state that you want quicksells only. Someone looking to get rid of their TF2 item urgently won’t waste time listing their trade and use your trade offer since it’s faster.
  • Third-Party Marketplaces: People who couldn’t find offers like yours will list their quicksell offers on third-party marketplaces. Keep an eye out for them.

  • Game Servers: Another great way to find quicksells is by joining a TF2 server and asking others in the chat box. However, read the server rules before doing this since several servers don’t allow quickselling.
  • Facebook Groups & Other Communities: You can find multiple groups dedicated to TF2 trading. You can find potential quicksell offers in these groups.

Note: Don’t create multiple offers of the same item since it may result in you getting banned from that website.


Quicksells are a big part of the Team Fortress 2 trading community. They offer people a way to cash out their unwanted TF2 items quickly. Also, they offer traders the opportunity to get valuable items at discounted prices, which they can later sell for a profit. Use reputable platforms for all your trading needs, and never rush into any trades, and you’ll have an enjoyable experience.


What are quicksells in Team Fortress 2?

Quicksells in Team Fortress 2 refer to discounted trades or item transactions that are completed faster than usual. They involve selling or acquiring items at a price lower than the market value.

How can I benefit from quicksells?

Traders can benefit from quicksells by purchasing items at a discounted price and later selling them for their market value, potentially making a profit.

How do I find quicksell opportunities in Team Fortress 2?

Some effective strategies for finding quicksells include creating trade offers specifically stating that you are looking for quicksells, exploring third-party marketplaces, inquiring on TF2 game servers (following server rules), and joining TF2 trading communities on platforms like Facebook.

What discounts can I expect with quicksells?

Quicksells commonly offer discounts ranging from 30% to 50% off the standard market price, depending on the item and urgency of the seller.

Are there any risks associated with quicksells?

While quicksells can be profitable, it’s important to exercise caution and make informed decisions. Use reputable platforms for trading, avoid rushing into trades, and be aware of potential scams or fraudulent offers.

Can I sell quicksell items for a higher price later?

Yes, once you acquire a quicksell item, you can wait for the market conditions to improve and sell it at its original market value, potentially making a profit.

Are there any restrictions or guidelines to follow when trading quicksells?

It’s crucial to abide by the rules of trading platforms, game servers, and communities. Avoid creating multiple offers of the same item on the same website to prevent potential bans or penalties.

Should I always look for quicksell opportunities as a trader?

While quicksells offer potential benefits, it’s essential to consider various trading strategies and opportunities. Quick selling is just one approach among many in the TF2 trading community.

Can I use quicksells to acquire unusual items?

Yes, quicksells can be a viable way to acquire unusual items at a discounted price. However, availability and demand for unusual items may vary.

How can I ensure a positive trading experience with quicksells?

Use reputable platforms, research market prices, be patient, and communicate effectively with potential traders. Take the time to evaluate offers and make informed decisions to maximize your trading experience.

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