How Long Do Dota 2 Games Last?

Matches for competitive video games can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. If you are curious about how long Dota 2 matches are, you are at the right place. Here is an in-depth explanation of how long Dota 2 matches last.

Key Takeaways

  • On average, Dota 2 matches last between 35 minutes to an hour, with professional matches lasting around 40 to 50 minutes.
  • The length of a Dota 2 match can vary depending on the game mode played, with turbo matches usually ending sooner than regular matches.
  • There have been cases where Dota 2 matches lasted over two hours, with the longest match in Dota 2 eSports history taking 200 minutes (3.3 hours) to end.
  • A Dota 2 match may end in under 30 minutes if one team significantly outplays the other.
  • Overall, Dota 2 matches tend to stay within the 35-minute to one-hour range.

Length of Average Dota 2 Matches

You can expect a Dota 2 match to last anywhere from 35 minutes to an hour. Professional Dota 2 matches last around 40 to 50 minutes. However, those are just the average numbers. Dota 2 matches can last longer than these numbers or end in under 30 minutes. The length of a Dota 2 match also depends on the mode you are playing, with turbo matches usually ending a lot sooner than regular matches.

In the Dota 2 eSports scene, there have been cases where matches take over two hours to end. The longest match in Dota 2 eSports history was between Cloud9 and ScaryFaceZombies, which took a whopping 200 minutes, or 3.3 hours, to end. There also have been Dota 2 matches that lasted around 20 minutes, but that is rarely the case. For a Dota 2 match to end in under 30 minutes, one team must be way better than the other.


On average, a Dota 2 match can last 35 minutes or an hour. For the most part, Dota 2 matches that you play will stay within this range. However, if you encounter a team bad at Dota 2, it may end in under 30 minutes. Also, a match may last as long as over two hours.


How long do Dota 2 matches typically last?

On average, Dota 2 matches last between 35 minutes to an hour.

Can Dota 2 matches end in under 30 minutes?

Yes, if one team is significantly better than the other, a match can end in under 30 minutes.

Are there different modes in Dota 2 that affect the length of matches?

Yes, turbo matches in Dota 2 usually end much sooner than regular matches.

What is the longest Dota 2 match ever played?

The longest Dota 2 match in esports history was between Cloud9 and ScaryFaceZombies, which took 200 minutes, or 3.3 hours, to end.

Are there Dota 2 matches that last less than 20 minutes?

While possible, it is rare for a Dota 2 match to end in under 20 minutes, as it requires one team to be significantly better than the other.

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