How Much GB Is Team Fortress 2?

Team Fortress 2 is a popular first-person shooter that many gamers play regularly. If you want to get into Team Fortress 2 and download the game, you need to know the size of the game so you can free up enough space for it. Here is our take on how much GB is Team Fortress 2.

Key Takeaways

  • Team Fortress 2 requires around 24 GB of storage space to download and install, according to both the download section on the Steam launcher and the downloaded file size.
  • When you download the game, you only need to download 10.9 GB of files. These files then get extracted to 24 GB once they get downloaded.
  • It’s important to make sure you have enough storage space on your computer before downloading Team Fortress 2. Keep in mind that the recommended requirements on the official Steam store page may not be accurate or up to date.

What is Team Fortress 2’s File Size?

According to the recommended requirements of Team Fortress 2 on the official Steam store page, you must have 15 GB of available storage space to install the game on your PC. However, the information is not accurate or up to date. This info also does not tell you everything you need to know.

Firstly, the size of Team Fortress 2 can reach up to 24 GB once downloaded. When you download the game, both the download section on the Steam launcher and the downloaded file size show that the full game requires up to 24 GB of free space.

Secondly, as you are downloading the game, you don’t need to download all 24 GB of game files. Instead, you only have to download 10.9 GB of files. Those files then get extracted to 24 GB once they get downloaded.


Team Fortress 2 requires around 24 GB of storage space to download and install. Ensure that you have enough storage space on your computer before downloading Team Fortress 2. Fortunately, you don’t need to download all 24 GB of files. Instead, you have to download 10.9 GB, which then gets extracted to 24 GB.


How much storage space do I need to download and install Team Fortress 2?

Team Fortress 2 requires around 24 GB of storage space to download and install.

Do I need to download all 24 GB of game files?

No, you only need to download 10.9 GB of files. These files then get extracted to 24 GB once they get downloaded.

Is the recommended requirements information on the official Steam store page accurate?

The information on the official Steam store page may not be accurate or up to date. It’s best to rely on the actual download section of the Steam launcher for accurate information on the game’s file size.

How do I ensure that I have enough storage space on my computer before downloading Team Fortress 2?

Check your available storage space on your computer before downloading Team Fortress 2 to ensure that you have enough space. If necessary, delete unused files or programs to free up space.

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